
Emma Woolley Emma Woolley

Good job body (Repost)

Infertility was my training buddy, it competed with me on race day and we finished the race together.

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Emma Woolley Emma Woolley

The Do’s and Don’ts (Repost)

You heard someone is having a hard time getting or staying pregnant. What should you say and what should you avoid?

What if you’re expecting? How do you tell your friends who are struggling?

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Emma Woolley Emma Woolley

It’s Ok To Not Be Ok (Repost)

When the biggest thing in your life is either a taboo subject or something your afraid to talk about, how do you connect with people? How do you engage in a meaningful way?

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Emma Woolley Emma Woolley

Ragnar Kentucky SWAT

A few months back I got an email from Ragnar asking if I’d like to come SWAT (Sweaty Wet And Tired) volunteer at a trail race in Kentucky. I called the doctors office and grilled them about if it was a good or bad idea for me to go volunteer after transfer day.

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Emma Woolley Emma Woolley

Transfer Day!

Transfer Day! Oh boy! It’s the big event that dozens of shots, tens of thousands of dollars and countless tears have been leading up to! A lot of people were asking me how I feel and honestly…it’s taken a while to figure that out.

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Emma Woolley Emma Woolley

Feelings of Unworthiness

I am announcing to the world that I want a baby so badly I’m willing to go through lots of money and pain to make it happen. This is very different than the person who accidentally got pregnant, and then for the rest of time they can say when things are hard that they didn’t ask for this. Well…I can’t say that. I am asking for that.

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Emma Woolley Emma Woolley

NK cell test

Today I got my blood drawn for the Natural Killer Cell test or NK cell test. It’s a test that I’ve wanted run for a while now and for different reasons couldn’t get a doctor to write an order for.

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