IVF - STIM day 2

Day 2 is complete! Well the shots at least. Today was a little harder then yesterday. I think because I knew that the second one was going to hurt, I was a bit more difficult of a patient then yesterday. Drew had to remind me that I had a gift waiting for when I was done. Maybe a little reminiscent of the little kid at the doctors office being bribed to be good with a lollipop. I’m so thankful for the people I have who are emotionally supporting this journey. I woke up to texts from people encouraging me and just being there for me. Often times it’s not the words that are encouraging, it’s that they thought to send a text at all. I appreciate that.

I’m definitely not looking forward to 8 more days of this Menopur shot. It sucks. Drew’s comment today was that my left side has rhino skin. He had a hard time getting the needle through my skin. (There’s a small part of me that is concerned about that).

I didn’t sleep very well last night. I was pretty worried about the shots I think. I just kept worrying about taking them out of the fridge at the right time (they have to come up to room temperature before the injection). This morning I have a bit of a headache and I don’t know if it’s from lack of sleep or something else. Other then that little headache and a little more tired then usual I feel pretty normal.

I’m hoping I continue to feel this good :) Thank you Charlotte for the day 2 gift :)


IVF - STIM day 3


IVF - STIM day 1