IVF STIM day 7+8

The newness of this is wearing off and I’m ready to be done. We went to the doctor yesterday for more bloodwork and an ultrasound. I felt a lot better after talking to the NP about the follicle count. However, when they called later in the day to advise on the medications moving forward, the doctor recommended 2 extra days of shots (so till Sunday not Friday) and adding one that basically stops ovulation. So now I have 3 shots a day for four more days when today should have been the second to last. Also doing shots for two extra days meant that we had to order more medication which is a really unexciting way to spend $750.

I felt a little down yesterday after the news and I’m not sure why. I also had a difficult interaction with a client, that could have been the reason for the downer feelings. I don’t know.

Ultimately I’m happy that the follicles will have a few more days to grow and I’m a little relieved about the anti ovulation medication (because your girl can tell when ovulation is coming). But…I’m still a little down. Maybe it’s knowing that at the end of this we will go home without a baby and have to wait a few months to even start the next step. Maybe it’s the hormones. Maybe it’s the extra stress of not being in my own home. Maybe it’s missing running with my friends. Maybe it’s having nothing to do here. Whatever the reason, I’m ready to be done and go home.

Here’s a thought, maybe I just feel really uncomfortable because this is bringing to the surface my lack of control (which I hate). There’s nothing quite like health and infertility to make you realize you really have no control and any control you think you have is an illusion. If you have a healthy body, be grateful! If you are able to make healthy babies without medical intervention, be grateful!

The fun thing we did yesterday though is after the doctors appointment, Drew and I went to Ikea to just wander around and then we went to lunch at Oh Mai. A vietnamese restaurant that was on Diners Drive In’s and Dives. Of course I didn’t take any pictures of that stuff.

Pictures: Gifts from Janai on day 7 (PB M&M’s my favorite!!!), Xion is not supposed to be on the couch and everytime we turn around he is on the couch, even after a 2+mile walk Xion had a lot of energy so Drew took him outside and played tug of war with him while Caroline watched, STIM day 8 marveling at the HUGE needle for the new medication, post injection gift picture, Thank you to Angela and Lydia for the candle, we went to costco and had lunch, Caitlin got Xion to play with her


IVF STIM day 12/10 :(


IVF STIM day 6