IVF - STIM day 3

Today’s shots went better than yesterdays. It’s kind of getting easier and harder. The easier part is that we’re feeling more comfortable with mixing the medication. The harder part is that I know what’s coming and when to expect the owey part. I didn’t sleep very well again last night so today I’m feeling tired again. My tummy is a little tender from the injections and the Menopur leaves bruises. Overall, I feel pretty good. I think this could be a lot worse. I absolutely love getting presents after injections. Today’s gift was from Barbie and I LOVE it! As the days tick by I’m starting to feel overwhelmed by the love and support of my tribe. For most of them, motherhood isn’t their dream or desire and yet they have wrapped me up in love and support. I don’t know if it’s all the extra hormones but I’m feeling really emotional about that today. I’m getting so many texts and phone calls checking in on me and I’m so thankful for the emotional support. This is probably harder emotionally then it is physically so the emotional support is amazing.

I told a friend the other day that I wanted to FEEL the love that I know was being sent my way but I was so focused on what had to get done it was hard to actually FEEL what I logically knew. Little did I know I just needed to wait a few days for the hormones to kick in and then I’d be all emotional about it.

Pictures: Mixing the medication, opening gifts, getting blood work done while wearing previous gifts (Thank you Charlotte for the hat and necklace and Kaitlin for the earrings)


IVF STIM days 4 & 5


IVF - STIM day 2