The Future of GG

I initially started this blog as a place for me to process what was happening in my life. I was starting to see myself reacting to things in life in a way that I didn’t think was healthy and didn’t want to continue (or get worse!). I would have bursts of anger over silly things like poorly run zoom meetings, or poor public speakers. I was isolating my feelings from people. I wasn’t being kind. Those are all signs of trauma (I’ve been told). I couldn’t afford a therapist so I decided to write things down and see if that helped. It did! A LOT! Now I’m struggling to find things to write about. I hope it’s because I’m less overstimulated by day to day life. I hope it’s not because I’ve shut down my emotions around infertility.

Anyway, not having a lot to write about made me wonder about what the future of this blog is. At least for now the next step is to start putting together STIM day gifts for people starting the IVF treatment process. IVF is so insanely difficult. It’s hard on your body, on your finances, on your marriage. It’s SO much to process that it becomes hard to talk about which then also makes it isolating. When my tribe came together and made some STIM day gifts for me, it was more then just something to open. It was a reminder that I am loved and cherished. That even though I’m physically going through this alone, I am not alone. Now every time I look at those gifts I’m reminded of how much better that experience was because of my tribe. I want other people to feel that too. I want them to know that while this is really hard, and unfair there are people who care about their journey too.

My first STIM day gift recipient is a friend of mine who is I’ve known for a while and is having a very rough start to her IVF treatment. I gathered her friends, family and the infertility community and put together some gifts for her and her husband. I can’t wait to drop them off to her!

I don’t know who the next person will be, but my goal is to turn this into something that every woman going through infertility can sign up for and pick up from their doctor during treatments. I don’t know how but I’m putting this out there to the universe to manifest for me!


Grief isn’t a comparison game. Trauma isn’t a comparison game.


Infertility and Inferiority