IVF STIM day 12/10 :(

I haven’t really felt like writing the last few days and funnily I’ve been more irritated then before. Surprising how that works. It’s been snowing pretty heavily all day today. I took Xion for a walk to see the horses, this morning during what turned out to be the only non snowy time of the day. I woke up this morning feeling not very good. My ovaries hurt, my lower back hurts and I almost didn’t get out of bed. But injections had to be done and we had to go to the doctors office. So up I got. I was so irritated with Drew yesterday morning that I almost did the injections myself. I don’t know why but it just irked me that I had to be the one to get up and take care of Xion and to get the medications out of the fridge (they take about 30 minutes to get up to room temperature). I was like TTTHIIISSS close to just doing the injections myself but I knew that would be acting pretty passively aggressively and for the rest of time it would cement my irritating with him (every time we talked about this time of our lives we would both remember that he didn’t do all of the injections). I think the thing that bothered me is that I had to get up early, I’m the one who has to get stabbed, AND I had to go wake him up? That last part is what bothered me.

They told us today that we are doing at least one more day of shots and possibly 2 days. Beyond that I don’t know. Ugh. I don’t really mind doing the extra days of shots, what I’m not looking forward to is the delay in going home. I’m ready to be home. We have a big investment workshop on February 6th and a new travel nurse tenant moving in on Feb 5th and it’s starting to look a little iffy to make it back in time for those things. We were going to celebrate the last day of shots today (the original last day was Friday…then it was today…now it could be tomorrow or it could be Tuesday), by going out to lunch after the doctors office. Instead we celebrated having an amazing support crew who texts us, calls us and sends us endless amounts of gifts. We had BBQ at R&R BBQ and it was tasty!

Current symptoms include very tender breasts. They’ve been tender for a few days but I guess it wasn’t something I really thought to document. They are tender to the point that they wake me up at night when I turn over.

Yesterday Xion was running around in the backyard and stepped on something pokey that cut his paw up a bit. He came limping inside and promptely started bleeding all over the rug. We applied some pressure and Caitlin administered a treat parade to keep him laying still. It took about 15 minutes but it eventually clotted and stopped bleeding. For good measure we put a sock on him and taped it up to keep it in place for a few hours. This morning he seems fine. I’ve caught him licking it a few times but he stops when I tell him too.

I read one book called The Lighthouse Keepers Daughter and I’m almost done with a second one that Janai lent me called the Boys in the Boat. It’s about the 1936 gold medal winning crew team from University of Washington.

Xion and I take daily walks and listen to the books on audible that my mother in law gifted to me. Today we started The Hobbit read by Andy Surkis.

Xion is learning how to tolerate aggressive loving which includes being ‘super dog’ where the girls put a cape on him anytime they see him. He also wears ear warmers on occasion.

Pictures: Caroline has been horrified by the daily injections today I finally took a picture of the faces she makes when the needle goes in, lovely day 12 gifts from Angela and Lydia, lunch at R&R, last night I made Chicken Tikka Masala for dinner with Grandma Donna and Cait helped stir the chicken while I made GF Naan bread, gifts from my mom on day 10 that I forgot to post earlier, Xion isn’t allowed to nap on the white upstairs couch but he makes every opportunity he can out of the downstairs couch, Xion and Caroline with earwarmers, Xion and Caroline with his hurt paw, more couch naps


Funerals and Grief


IVF STIM day 7+8