9 Week Ultrasound

There have been some things that have come up (emotionally) so it’s time for another blog post. Time to do some processing.

First, some body image realness. like most women I have parts of my body that I don’t like. For me in particular, it’s my belly. One of the reasons I haven’t liked it is because people have asked me a lot in the past if I was pregnant which was doubly painful. I wanted to be pregnant and wasn’t and that meant that people noticed I had a belly. Now that I am pregnant, I feel oddly at peace with my belly. People are starting to ask if I’m showing and the answer is no I’m not but I’m not trying to hide my belly fat anymore. It just is what it is. I feel like I finally have an excuse to not hide it. I’m sure there are some unhealthy mindsets there that I need to work on, but for now, I’m just happy to have a reason not to dislike part of my body.

A lot of people have been asking how I’m feeling. The answer is…not pregnant. The image that I remember seeing portrayed in the media of pregnant woman was mostly misery. Morning sickness, hormonal craziness etc. I’m not really experiencing any of that. I had a few food aversions, but those only lasted a week or two. Sadly, that was happening over our 10th anniversary and so I barely ate any of the dinner we went out to.

I have definitely felt a lot more tired then normal. I take a nap almost every day and I still sleep 8-10 hours each night. I get up to pee a few times during the night, but other then that I’m sacked out. Today I went for a 4.5 mile run with a friend and I felt pretty short of breath but we just slowed down our pace and it was ok. I feel like I have a really big physical test coming up and staying in shape is going to be helpful. I also feel like I have no idea what I’m getting into and being in shape is one way I have just always tried to be prepared for life.

We had an ultrasound on Monday and I swear it was the tech’s first day unsupervised. Very sweet kid but I think he was scared of vaginas. This was the first time I’d had a male tech and while I think he did a fine job he took about 3 times as long as other techs and pretty obviously didn’t know the female body very well. At first he was looking in the very wrong spot for the baby (Drew started to get worried there was no baby) but I could tell that was my belly not my uterus. Eventually we had to switch from an abdominal to internal ultrasound (and boy did that freak the kid out!) because she’s just to small still to see very well with abdominal. Everything looked good and she is healthy though (phew!). We are scheduled to stop medications on Monday July 3rd, WOOHOO!!!!! After almost 3 months of daily shots I’m ready to be done. I have just barely enough medication to get through.

We have a consult with a doctor on Wednesday that I hope goes well. I don’t really know what questions to ask so I should probably do some research on that.

Drew and I both have days where we are excited and then other days when it just doesn’t feel real. I’m not really experiencing a lot of the ‘normal’ symptoms so this all sometimes feels fake.


They are “ahead” of me


7 Week Ultrasound