22 Weeks

We had our anatomy scan about 2 weeks ago. I was maybe like 20% nervous before it because I know that there are a lot of couples who have had their dreams shattered at the anatomy scan. The anatomy scan is where they do a very detailed ultrasound of the baby. They look for all the vital organs, they look at the spine, they look at how things are growing and take lots of measurements. If something is off, it can lead to more testing and/or it can be a sign that something is drastically wrong. I know couples who have ended up in the horrific choice of whether to carry their baby to term to have it die as soon as it makes an appearance in the world (you can’t live without a heart ya know), or terminate for medical reasons (TFMR). (I don’t want to hear any hate comments about abortion and murder, I will delete them. It’s up to the individual who knows their situation to make the best decision for themselves, it’s not up to you and your opinions).

So, understandably I was nervous. I found myself intentionally not thinking about it so that I wouldn’t work myself into a frenzy. I don’t think that was the best decision. It was effectively just pushing aside my feelings and ignoring them. Pretending they didn’t exist. I don’t think it had a terrible effect but the choice to ignore feelings can lead to dire situations later on in life. I was raised to do that, I don’t want that to continue to be my pattern.

But the scan went well! The only concern is that my placenta is a little too close (1.7cm instead of 2 cm) to my cervix so the doctor said no more running, sex or orgasms for awhile. If I’m being honest, I don’t know what all those things have to do with partial placenta previa…but whatever. She did say I could still go to Ragnar Wisconsin and be the green loop manager, I just had to walk and not run the course (which meant that this last weekend I walked 27 miles instead of running most of them lol).

Once the anatomy scan came back clear I felt a lot more emotionally able to start building a baby registry and thinking about a nursery. I still haven’t done much with the nursery but at least I’m thinking about it and building a pinterest board.

Somehow in getting the anatomy scan scheduled, we didn’t get another doctors appointment scheduled. We should have gone in to see her today but instead we are two weeks out. That kinda sucks and I don’t know if it was our fault or the clinics fault for not following up with us. But it’s on the books now!

Symptoms have stayed pretty minimal. Lots of urges to pee and then just a little tinkle coming out and I’ve started to have more heartburn but that’s about it. Overall I feel pretty lucky that this has been easy.

We have started to plan a trip to the Czech Republic to see family next June. Hopefully it will actually happen this time!


24 weeks


20 Weeks